lunes, 2 de mayo de 2011

To Give

Most learners of English find the verb to give to be easier to learn than other verbs. The conjugation of it is rather simple. See for yourself, and you'll see that give is used in all sorts of English-language phrases and idioms.

I give = Yo doy          
You give = Tú das          
She/He gives = Ella/Él da          
We give = Nosotros/as damos          
They give = Ellas/Ellos dan

I gave = Yo di
You gave = Tú diste
She/He gave = Ella/Él dio
We gave = Nosotros/as dimos
They gave = Ellas/Ellos dieron

I will give = Yo daré
You will give = Tú darás
She/He will give = Ella/Él dará
We will give = Nosotros/as daremos
They will give = Ellas/Ellos darán

I have given = Yo he dado
You have given = Tú has dado
She/He has given = Ella/Él ha dado
We have given = Nosotros/as hemos dado
They have given = Ellas/Ellos han dado

Idioms Using the Verb Give
Give birth = Dar luz
(She gave birth to a baby boy. = Ella dio luz a un bebé.)

Give away = Regalar
(We gave away 300 free t-shirts. = Regalamos 300 camisetas.)

Give way = Ceder
(The old wooden floor gave way beneath his feet. = El viejo suelo de madera cedió bajo sus pies.)

Give rise to = Provocar
(The food shortage gave rise to riots. La escasez de alimentos provocó disturbios.)

Give up = Darse por vencido
(Don't give up! = ¡No te des por vencido!)

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